Mission and Systems Engineering Methods
This chapter describes our application of the modeling methods to develop models for various publicly available use cases. We first provide some background about a global scan from industry, government and academia that was conducted to determine the most advance approaches for using modeling process, methods and tools. The results of the global scan initiated the NAVAIR Systems Engineering Transformation and a number of research use cases that are summarized as they relate to modeling methods. We also discuss how to develop technical models for mission, system and subsystem models for analysis and design, as well as how we leverage model modularization using enabling technologies within descriptive modeling tools to link models at different levels of abstraction and to establish a collaborative, cross-model authoritative source of truth (AST). We then discuss the tools used to establish the AST and explain how modeling methods enable Digital Signoffs using OpenMBEE, DocGen View and Viewpoints, Model Management System, and web-app View Editor. We use DocGen and Digital Signoffs to demonstrate how to transition away from traditional documents and milestone reviews, toward performing continuous reviews within the modeling framework as different parts of the system design mature at different rates. We also provide some guidelines on performing model management, a variation of configuration management used to curate and pedigree models. Next, we demonstrate how to develop a Digital Systems Engineering Management and Technical Plan, which is a type of Digital Engineering Systems Engineering Plan (DESEP) that is linked to the other technical and stakeholder models. Finally, we discuss how Digital Signoff can support the Source Selection process using an unmanned air vehicle developed as one of the publicly available use cases.

Benjamin Kruse
Stevens Institute of Technology

Brian Chell
Stevens Institute of Technology

Timothy D. West
Stevens Institute of Technology

Mark R. Blackburn
Stevens Institute of Technology
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