Fundamentals of Digital Enterprise
This chapter describes the overarching concept of digital engineering (DE) and introduces four related chapters that discuss various facets of DE. Concepts introduced in these chapters are conveyed via a variety of use cases to provide a pragmatic context. The primary focus of this cluster of chapters is on how to use DE models, methods, tools, and enabling technologies to transform the traditional document-based approach for creating mission, system, and related operational requirements traditionally used for managing large-scale systems development programs. A key catalyst for the underlying research was to significantly reduce the time and cost to deploy large-scale complex systems. The resulting research has demonstrated significant improvements derived from formalizing mission needs/objectives/measures, systems, and discipline-specific analyses and requirements into models that leveraged computational automation enabled by formalized and interoperable models in virtual integrated environments.

Mark R. Blackburn
Stevens Institute of Technology

Timothy D. West
Stevens Institute of Technology
NAVAIR Public Release 2017–370. Distribution Statement A – “Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.”
NAVAIR Public Release 2019–443. Distribution Statement A – “Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.”
Blackburn, M.R. and Kruse, B. (2023). Conducting design reviews in a digital engineering environment. INCOSE Insight 25 (4): 42–46.
Blackburn, M. R., Grosse, M. I., Gabbard, J., et al. (2022a). Transforming Systems Engineering Through Model-Based Systems Engineering. Final Technical Report. Systems Engineering Research Center.
Blackburn, M.R., McDermott, T., Kruse, B. et al. (2022b). Digital engineering measures correlated to digital engineering lessons learned from systems engineering transformation pilot. Insight 25 (1): 61–64.
Chell, B. (2021). Multidisciplinary System and Mission Design Optimization. Stevens Institute of Technology.
Chilenski, J. and Ward, D. (2014). 2014 Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Subcommittee Report.
Cilli, M. (2015). Seeking improved defense product development success rates through innovations to trade-off analysis methods. Doctoral thesis. Stevens Institute of Technology.
Kruse, B. and Blackburn, M. R. (2019). Collaborating with OpenMBEE as an authoritative source of truth environment. 17th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER) (3–4 April 2019). Washington, DC: National Press Club.
Kruse, B., Hagedorn, T., Bone, M., and Blackburn, M. R. (2020). Collaborative management of research projects in SysML. 18th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER) (8–10 October 2020).