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Complexity and Risk in Systems Engineering


This chapter is an introduction to the complexity of engineered systems in relationship to risk in the systems life cycle. It begins with definitions of complexity and some examples of current and previous efforts to capture and model complexity, then moves to some examples of complexity in engineered systems. Next, it briefly discusses the traditional view of risk assessment in SE and government agencies. Some examples of previous applications of risk and complexity on projects sponsored by SERC are briefly introduced. We will continue the chapter with some measurements of complexity from the literature on the SE lifecycle. We conclude with the needed research in complexity science with specific applications to the design of complex engineered systems.


Roshanak R. Nilchiani

Stevens Institute of Technology


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The Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) was established in the Fall of 2008 as a government-designated University Affiliated Research Center (UARC). The SERC has produced 15 years of research, focused on an updated systems engineering toolkit (methods, tools, and practices) for the complex cyber-physical systems of today and tomorrow.

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